“More is not better, only better is better,” said bench press maestro J.M. Blakley. The same reasoning applies to hitting. 100 practice swings, half of which are technically inefficient and sloppy and unfocused, is less beneficial than 60 swings each executed with devotion, care, and attention to detail. Lessen your focus on a given number of necessary practice swings and dial in on doing each and every swing to the best of your ability.
Make a choice. “More” is not better; consistent “better” leads to your best, whether bench-pressing or swinging!
From January 2011, http://raisingahitter.wordpress.com
Make a choice. “More” is not better; consistent “better” leads to your best, whether bench-pressing or swinging!
From January 2011, http://raisingahitter.wordpress.com