A young boy stands at the top of a mountain. The mountain is covered in the thick, wet snow that yields the perfect snowball, and makes the perfect snowman. He takes a small handful of snow, about the size of a Super Ball, and rolls it along the ground. The slick surface allows the cylindrical object to gather speed, and within a few rolls it is larger than a softball. Several turns later and the ball is bigger than a dodgeball, and growing. The descent grows faster the farther the snowball rolls from the top, and as the speed increases the snow sticks to it in large sheets just like the rolls of sod that cover a baseball diamond. Within seconds, the snowball is a boulder of ice and snow and is bigger than a car and rolling downhill faster than a runaway locomotive. The boy is fascinated! He's never seen anything this awesome and this powerful and this big! The rolling, thundering mass engulfs the side of the mountain and obliterates everything in its path. In fact, to the young boy it appears as though the enormous hulk of snow swallows everything to the front, side and even behind it, adding every bit of the mountain to itself and growing stronger, bigger, faster and more powerful the faster it goes. It's like a magnet of snow that attracts everything around it. Other snowballs form in its wake and became similar boulders in their own right. Soon, the entire landscape is dominated by rolling mounds of snow, each following the path of their leader. It is the perfect snowball, and the boy is proud.
The evolution of this snowball from tiny to terrific represents the growth potential inherent in every young person. Each youngster is a perfect and one-of-a-kind snowflake. Given the right environment and the right conditions, all he needs is a little shaping and guiding in the beginning - once the correct mold is cast and put in motion, the journey toward success is inevitable. In time, everything along the path is swept up in the quest and adds to his growth. Not far into the journey, he becomes an unstoppable, rampaging force. The perfect snowball continues to grow, and becomes stronger, faster and more powerful with each passing moment.
This is the ultimate destiny of each unique snowflake, to become a part of the perfect snowball. And the perfect snowball attracts other perfect snowballs, and together they cascade down the mountain and fulfill their destiny, and their Creator is proud.