First Series: “To destroy, mercilessly, without any compromises whatsoever, in the mentation and feelings of the reader, the beliefs and views, by centuries rooted in him, about everything in the world.”
Second Series: “To acquaint the reader with the material required for a new creation and to prove the soundness and good quality of it.”
Third Series: “To assist the arising, in the mentation and in the feelings of the reader, of a veritable, nonfantastic representation not of that illusory world which he now perceives, but of the world existing in reality.”
This was the primary aim of philosopher G.I. Gurdjieff for his “All and Everything” book series, ultimately comprised of 10 books within 3 subsets.
Most men are stuck in a rut of normalcy and mediocrity. They live a vapid existence of subsistence, conforming to the norms of society and fitting into meek and mild conventional patterns of thought and action. This is all well and good, if this be your primary aim. But for those men that dream of a life of greatness, and aspire to something more than average, Gurdjieff’s words ring true.
Gurdjieff believed that in each man was a seed of potential greatness that was often ignored or forgotten or hidden behind an illusory veil of normal, average, every-day life. He aimed to awaken the true greatness within, that he believed was possible for a man willing to put forth prodigious effort and energy.
First, man must discard any previous self-imposed false limits. Second, man must fill the consequent void with the reality that every man has been created for a specific reason and with a specific purpose. A part of this purpose is to unleash your maximum potential, in every moment and at every activity. An abundant life filled with all and everything great is the result of living in single-minded pursuit of this maximum you.
You were born to be great. If you’ve lost your way toward that objective, re-invent yourself and return to your true nature of greatness.
From August 2010,
Second Series: “To acquaint the reader with the material required for a new creation and to prove the soundness and good quality of it.”
Third Series: “To assist the arising, in the mentation and in the feelings of the reader, of a veritable, nonfantastic representation not of that illusory world which he now perceives, but of the world existing in reality.”
This was the primary aim of philosopher G.I. Gurdjieff for his “All and Everything” book series, ultimately comprised of 10 books within 3 subsets.
Most men are stuck in a rut of normalcy and mediocrity. They live a vapid existence of subsistence, conforming to the norms of society and fitting into meek and mild conventional patterns of thought and action. This is all well and good, if this be your primary aim. But for those men that dream of a life of greatness, and aspire to something more than average, Gurdjieff’s words ring true.
Gurdjieff believed that in each man was a seed of potential greatness that was often ignored or forgotten or hidden behind an illusory veil of normal, average, every-day life. He aimed to awaken the true greatness within, that he believed was possible for a man willing to put forth prodigious effort and energy.
First, man must discard any previous self-imposed false limits. Second, man must fill the consequent void with the reality that every man has been created for a specific reason and with a specific purpose. A part of this purpose is to unleash your maximum potential, in every moment and at every activity. An abundant life filled with all and everything great is the result of living in single-minded pursuit of this maximum you.
You were born to be great. If you’ve lost your way toward that objective, re-invent yourself and return to your true nature of greatness.
From August 2010,