Imagine living your entire life convinced you are destined for greatness. Imagine knowing, from the moment of your first conscious thought, that you are on this Earth to do something special. Imagine reading, hearing stories, and dreaming vivid dreams, about your purpose in life. Imagine evaluating everything you do on the basis of “does it help me advance toward my special purpose?” Imagine that you experience disappointment, tragedy, delay and misfortune for decades, without abandoning the certainty that you are destined for a great accomplishment. Imagine that, through human foible, frailty and weakness, you jeopardize your dream with your own reckless behavior. Imagine that, due to a lifetime of planning, thinking and acting, when your moment of destiny arrives you are in a state of complete and total preparation. Imagine that you fulfill your destiny, achieve your purpose, and become a man of greatness in the exact, precise manner you always dreamed.
U.S. Army General George S. Patton didn’t just imagine everything in the preceding paragraph, he lived it. He emerged from the womb with his life purpose etched forever into his DNA. He didn’t just think it, he knew it. He believed with every fiber and every molecule that he was going to be a great military commander. He was convinced beyond reason that he was destined to lead a mighty, conquering force into battle. And he believed in the absolute truth of his destiny to the point that he convinced associates that he was a reincarnation of a soldier who had already traveled the same path. Patton’s entire heart and soul, and almost every conscious and unconscious thought, were obsessed with maximizing his potential as a military man of might and action. His virtual every waking moment was invested in paying whatever cost necessary in order to achieve his objective.
Is it a surprise his dream materialized? Is it any wonder that he succeeded?
Greatness wasn’t a choice for Patton. It was a foregone conclusion.
From October 2010,
U.S. Army General George S. Patton didn’t just imagine everything in the preceding paragraph, he lived it. He emerged from the womb with his life purpose etched forever into his DNA. He didn’t just think it, he knew it. He believed with every fiber and every molecule that he was going to be a great military commander. He was convinced beyond reason that he was destined to lead a mighty, conquering force into battle. And he believed in the absolute truth of his destiny to the point that he convinced associates that he was a reincarnation of a soldier who had already traveled the same path. Patton’s entire heart and soul, and almost every conscious and unconscious thought, were obsessed with maximizing his potential as a military man of might and action. His virtual every waking moment was invested in paying whatever cost necessary in order to achieve his objective.
Is it a surprise his dream materialized? Is it any wonder that he succeeded?
Greatness wasn’t a choice for Patton. It was a foregone conclusion.
From October 2010,