Before a Greek soldier marched to a battlefield, his company commander rifled through his backpack and discarded every scrap of excess. Gone was anything but the essential: a cup for water, a pot for food, a dry blanket, and his weapon. Every other physical possession was cast aside and deemed unnecessary for the upcoming march and battle.
A man of greatness clears his mind of the superfluous, also. Gone is hope; its replacement is conviction. Gone is doubt; its replacement is belief. Gone is fear; its replacement is action. Gone is remorse; its replacement is attention. Gone is hesitation; its replacement is decisiveness. Gone is cowardice; its replacement is commitment.
The first item in each listed pair weighs down the mind and burdens the spirit with unnecessary baggage. The second item in each pair buoys the spirit and lightens the load of the mind and is an essential step in preparation for your upcoming march and your upcoming battle within. You may know the “battle within” as “life.” Keep the load light in order to live.
From September 2010,
A man of greatness clears his mind of the superfluous, also. Gone is hope; its replacement is conviction. Gone is doubt; its replacement is belief. Gone is fear; its replacement is action. Gone is remorse; its replacement is attention. Gone is hesitation; its replacement is decisiveness. Gone is cowardice; its replacement is commitment.
The first item in each listed pair weighs down the mind and burdens the spirit with unnecessary baggage. The second item in each pair buoys the spirit and lightens the load of the mind and is an essential step in preparation for your upcoming march and your upcoming battle within. You may know the “battle within” as “life.” Keep the load light in order to live.
From September 2010,