Fictional action film The Delta Force is a compelling if sensationalist yarn about a hostage rescue team of elite U.S. commandos led by the best anti-terrorist fighters in the world. The made-up Special Forces on the screen are based on the real-life exploits of the esteemed U.S. Army Delta Force unit.
A climactic scene in the movie occurs as the Delta Force unit prepares to assault the hijackers. At the moment of truth, just prior to the boarding and subsequent capture of a hijacked plane, commando Colonel Nick Alexander, portrayed in typical gruff, blunt, no-nonsense manner by actor Lee Marvin, gives his troops a brief pep talk light on operational detail.
“It’s a go. Take ‘em down. Hit it,” said the Colonel. His men comply, and save the day.
Keep the task of hitting a baseball this simple and this basic, too. Use similar verbal cues to keep yourself focused and on task. For instance, “It’s a go” signifies that the pitch is thrown. “Take ‘em down” refers to the act of swinging. And “hit it” is your purpose at the plate. Let “hit it” be your refrain, and maybe one day your exploits will be immortalized on film, just like Delta Force.
From October 2010,
A climactic scene in the movie occurs as the Delta Force unit prepares to assault the hijackers. At the moment of truth, just prior to the boarding and subsequent capture of a hijacked plane, commando Colonel Nick Alexander, portrayed in typical gruff, blunt, no-nonsense manner by actor Lee Marvin, gives his troops a brief pep talk light on operational detail.
“It’s a go. Take ‘em down. Hit it,” said the Colonel. His men comply, and save the day.
Keep the task of hitting a baseball this simple and this basic, too. Use similar verbal cues to keep yourself focused and on task. For instance, “It’s a go” signifies that the pitch is thrown. “Take ‘em down” refers to the act of swinging. And “hit it” is your purpose at the plate. Let “hit it” be your refrain, and maybe one day your exploits will be immortalized on film, just like Delta Force.
From October 2010,