The acclaimed television series "Blue Bloods" is a fictional police drama centered around a multi-generational New York City police department family. Frank Reagan, patriarch of the family, portrayed by renowned actor Tom Selleck, presides over a weekly Sunday dinner during which he dispenses wisdom and counsels his family, including his esteemed father. A recent episode concerned the controversial actions of eldest son Danny, whose attorney sister said, "Being held to the same standard as everyone else is fine, but it feels like Danny's being held to a higher standard."
Selleck's character's response is a perfect summary of why higher standards are necessary, proper, and beneficial. It is paramount that a coach, teacher and parent demand the best. Here's the reasoning, in the response:
"You're damn straight he is {held to a higher standard}," Frank said. "When I coached you ... I always held you to a higher standard because you're capable of meeting it. And because you are, I expect it."
Selleck's character's response is a perfect summary of why higher standards are necessary, proper, and beneficial. It is paramount that a coach, teacher and parent demand the best. Here's the reasoning, in the response:
"You're damn straight he is {held to a higher standard}," Frank said. "When I coached you ... I always held you to a higher standard because you're capable of meeting it. And because you are, I expect it."