The fictional movie villain Bill “The Butcher” Cutting in Gangs of New York was based on a real-life New York City boxer, butcher, fireman, and gang member during the turbulent years preceding the Civil War. The movie character is a butcher by trade who becomes a bloodthirsty gang leader and political kingmaker during riotous and violent times.
Cast aside the reprehensible acts of the imaginary Cutter and witness his admirable intensity, conviction, and concentration, in particular when he throws a remnant of his honest butcher’s craft, one of his trademark knives or cleavers. Cutting does not aim at a target and release the knife in the tentative hope it will strike its destination; he locates a specific point and unleashes the full force of his being into the throw, knowing that it will strike home. The difference is subtle and profound and requires years of practice until the striking of the target becomes a foregone conclusion. There is no doubt or fear, when Cutting acts.
This commitment to a successful act is demonstrated by, among other feats, a pitcher who throws a baseball to a certain spot indicated by his catcher without guiding the ball or reducing velocity; a quarterback who throws the football to a pre-designated area before a wide receiver arrives and without hesitation or consideration of failure; and a student who completes a challenging essay test without conscious thought of writing individual words. In the last example, the sentences and paragraphs fire forth like a flung knife and coalesce with thought and intent until they skewer the target and ace the assignment. Commit in full and harbor no fear and no doubt, no matter your activity. Hit your target!
From September 2010,
Cast aside the reprehensible acts of the imaginary Cutter and witness his admirable intensity, conviction, and concentration, in particular when he throws a remnant of his honest butcher’s craft, one of his trademark knives or cleavers. Cutting does not aim at a target and release the knife in the tentative hope it will strike its destination; he locates a specific point and unleashes the full force of his being into the throw, knowing that it will strike home. The difference is subtle and profound and requires years of practice until the striking of the target becomes a foregone conclusion. There is no doubt or fear, when Cutting acts.
This commitment to a successful act is demonstrated by, among other feats, a pitcher who throws a baseball to a certain spot indicated by his catcher without guiding the ball or reducing velocity; a quarterback who throws the football to a pre-designated area before a wide receiver arrives and without hesitation or consideration of failure; and a student who completes a challenging essay test without conscious thought of writing individual words. In the last example, the sentences and paragraphs fire forth like a flung knife and coalesce with thought and intent until they skewer the target and ace the assignment. Commit in full and harbor no fear and no doubt, no matter your activity. Hit your target!
From September 2010,