The soft-toss drill is, by name and by definition, most often performed with a slower-paced, looping toss of a target into the hitting zone. This is well and fine, until a batter becomes accustomed to the pace of relative leisure and is no longer challenged. Now what?
Increase the speed of the toss and amplify the drill’s effectiveness. Turn the heretofore soft toss into a scaled-down version of an elite fast-pitch softball game and force the hitter to increase his bat speed. Add some m.p.h. to the toss and add to your greatness!
Better yet, intersperse a traditional soft toss with the speed tosses in order to simulate the unpredictability of an actual game. Keep the batter guessing in practice, and he’ll be less surprised during the game. Increase the speed and get better!
From June 2011,
Increase the speed of the toss and amplify the drill’s effectiveness. Turn the heretofore soft toss into a scaled-down version of an elite fast-pitch softball game and force the hitter to increase his bat speed. Add some m.p.h. to the toss and add to your greatness!
Better yet, intersperse a traditional soft toss with the speed tosses in order to simulate the unpredictability of an actual game. Keep the batter guessing in practice, and he’ll be less surprised during the game. Increase the speed and get better!
From June 2011,