Super Human is a fictional adventure story featuring teenagers and young adults blessed with superhuman abilities, which they use to battle evil forces bent on world domination. Their featured nemesis is called the Fifth King: Krodin is an ancient warrior who disappeared almost 5000 years ago. He is transported to the present and unleashes his full array of destructive powers against the young heroes.
Krodin’s main source of invincibility is his stunning capability to adapt. No matter the circumstance he adjusts to the situation and he is made better. For instance, he absorbs the information and skills of those he fights and is made a better warrior. He seeks out the finest warriors and the deadliest enemies, knowing that the struggle results in his enhancement. The more his capacities are strained to their utmost, the more he is forced to adapt and the more powerful he becomes.
If he is wounded, he heals. The more extensive the injury, the greater the healing. If he encounters the unknown or unexpected, his mental capacities increase in proportion to the demand. If he fatigues, his energies rise to a greater level and overwhelm the situation. If he weakens, his strength multiplies to such an extent that it crushes any barrier or limitation. No matter what, he adapts and he overcomes.
Approach life the same way as Krodin. Welcome any and all challenges, confident in the belief that your skills, abilities, and capacities for greatness will overcome and emerge victorious. Have faith in your capability to absorb significant knowledge from every person and every situation. Be secure in the knowledge that everything in life makes you stronger in some way. Strain and struggle and strife yield a better you - adapt yourself and increase your power. You may not be immortal but you do possess the traits of a super human. Unleash your super powers and become great!
From October 2010,
Krodin’s main source of invincibility is his stunning capability to adapt. No matter the circumstance he adjusts to the situation and he is made better. For instance, he absorbs the information and skills of those he fights and is made a better warrior. He seeks out the finest warriors and the deadliest enemies, knowing that the struggle results in his enhancement. The more his capacities are strained to their utmost, the more he is forced to adapt and the more powerful he becomes.
If he is wounded, he heals. The more extensive the injury, the greater the healing. If he encounters the unknown or unexpected, his mental capacities increase in proportion to the demand. If he fatigues, his energies rise to a greater level and overwhelm the situation. If he weakens, his strength multiplies to such an extent that it crushes any barrier or limitation. No matter what, he adapts and he overcomes.
Approach life the same way as Krodin. Welcome any and all challenges, confident in the belief that your skills, abilities, and capacities for greatness will overcome and emerge victorious. Have faith in your capability to absorb significant knowledge from every person and every situation. Be secure in the knowledge that everything in life makes you stronger in some way. Strain and struggle and strife yield a better you - adapt yourself and increase your power. You may not be immortal but you do possess the traits of a super human. Unleash your super powers and become great!
From October 2010,