For the purpose of this site, there is a distinct difference between a batter, and a hitter. The gulf that separates batter from hitter is evident by several consistent and marked thoughts and actions. A batter matures, grows, evolves and expands into a hitter – the process is not guaranteed and requires planning, preparation, and practice.
A batter is a player, often a beginner or novice, who swings in a haphazard, unplanned and unfocused manner. He fails to replicate his stance and his swing on a consistent basis and often fails to hit the ball. He often becomes frustrated and confused and becomes even more erratic in his execution. His lack of success is exacerbated by a lack of preparation: the only time he swings a bat occurs in an official team practice (if he even attends practice). His lack of repetitions leads to a lack of success that leads to a dislike for the game. He often plays only a few seasons of organized ball then departs for a sport or activity that does not require the athleticism, skill, concentration, toughness and determination of baseball.
Whereas, a hitter is a player regardless of age or experience who approaches every at-bat in a practice or a game in a consistent, focused and repeatable manner. Because his form and style is consistent, his coaches and parents are able to make certain small adjustments if they become necessary. A hitter is also self-aware enough to learn what is most comfortable and most conducive to success and is able to “coach” himself to some extent. A hitter practices with devotion and rigorousness outside the realm of official team practices, going well beyond the norm. As a result, he is successful at seeing the ball, hitting the ball, and hitting the ball hard and he is motivated to work even harder. Proper practice begets excellence and a love of hitting develops.
Choose to be a hitter, choose to be great. Let the uncommitted and the weak bat – the committed and the strong hit!
From October 2010,
A batter is a player, often a beginner or novice, who swings in a haphazard, unplanned and unfocused manner. He fails to replicate his stance and his swing on a consistent basis and often fails to hit the ball. He often becomes frustrated and confused and becomes even more erratic in his execution. His lack of success is exacerbated by a lack of preparation: the only time he swings a bat occurs in an official team practice (if he even attends practice). His lack of repetitions leads to a lack of success that leads to a dislike for the game. He often plays only a few seasons of organized ball then departs for a sport or activity that does not require the athleticism, skill, concentration, toughness and determination of baseball.
Whereas, a hitter is a player regardless of age or experience who approaches every at-bat in a practice or a game in a consistent, focused and repeatable manner. Because his form and style is consistent, his coaches and parents are able to make certain small adjustments if they become necessary. A hitter is also self-aware enough to learn what is most comfortable and most conducive to success and is able to “coach” himself to some extent. A hitter practices with devotion and rigorousness outside the realm of official team practices, going well beyond the norm. As a result, he is successful at seeing the ball, hitting the ball, and hitting the ball hard and he is motivated to work even harder. Proper practice begets excellence and a love of hitting develops.
Choose to be a hitter, choose to be great. Let the uncommitted and the weak bat – the committed and the strong hit!
From October 2010,