It's a fact that you tend to become like the people you associate with. Sometimes, a so-called friend criticizes you for wanting to practice your sport, instead of hanging out or goofing off. Sometimes, a so-called friend encourages you to settle for less than your best effort. Sometimes, a so-called friend wants you to do something and act in a way that you know, in your gut, is wrong. Sometimes, a so-called friend makes fun of others and belittles the accomplishments of those who succeed. Sometimes, a so-called friend isn't very friendly, and doesn't really care about you. If any of these scenarios are true, you doom your full development when you continue to associate with him.
A friend is not a true friend if he doesn't want you to grow and get better, especially if your growth and improvement leads him to become jealous. A friend is one who wants you to become great, because he's in the process of becoming just as a great. A friend puts no limits or conditions or constraints on you, and leads his own successful life while still being there as a pillar of support for your efforts. A friend wants to be the best, and wants you to be the best. The best friend